
YCIS Oscars Charity Dinner Raises 230,000 RMB耀中奥斯卡慈善晚宴筹款超过23万人民币

2017-04-07 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

The Yew Chung International School of Beijing’s Parent Organization put on a fabulous event last weekend: the YCIS Beijing Oscars Charity Ball! The fabulous fun-filled evening featured entertaining performances from YCIS Beijing students, “awards” to staff and contributors in line with the theme of the evening, a variety of wonderful live auctions, and delicious food and drink. 


Most impressively, the event on the whole raised over 230,000 RMB for the Seeds of Hope and New Day Foster Home charities, a momentous accomplishment and high bar set for future charity balls to come!


While the entire community came together to put on this impressive event, few contributed more to its success than our Chinese Co-president Jenny Chu, one of the head organizers of the event. Below, she details the inspiration behind the event as well as the vital role the Parent Organization plays in the YCIS Beijing community.

整个学校社区团结合作筹备起这个令人印象深刻的活动,然而背后付出更多的是我们其中一位组织者——家委会的联合主席Jenny Chu。下面,她详细介绍了活动背后的灵感以及家委会在北京耀中社区发挥的重要作用。

What was the goal of the event?


As this was a charity ball, one goal was of course to raise funds for the Seeds of Hope charity and the New Day Foster Home. We also wanted to bring the whole YCIS Beijing community together, not just parents but also the teachers, staff, and students. The goal was to host a community event, not just a parent event.

由于这是一个慈善团体,一个目标当然是为希望种子慈善基金和希望之家孤儿院筹集资金。 我们也想把整个北京耀中社区联合在一起,不仅仅是家长,还有老师,员工和学生。 目标是主办社区活动,而不仅仅是一个家长活动。

What other upcoming events does the Parent Organization have planned (GCD)?


The next event is our annual Global Community Day happening on May 13! Through the event, we try to demonstrate and promote different cultures represented at YCIS Beijing and around the world. It gives our parents and families from many different countries the opportunity to share their culture and celebrates the diversity we have on campus. We hope to see you there!

下一个活动是我们5月13日的年度全球社区日! 通过这次活动,我们试图展示北京耀中和世界各地的不同文化。 它使我们来自不同国家的家庭有机会分享他们的文化,并庆祝我们在校园内的多样性。我们届时与您相见!

Read the full event recap by tapping “Read more” below!


[FUNDRAISER] The 30 Hour Famine

[SECONDARY NEWS] The Zebra Charity Project

[CHARITY] A Midsummer Night's Dinner

